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Home of all Wester's Custom Performance Tunes
FACT: a customized ECU or PCM with our performance calibration is the CHEAPEST and usually the ONLY way to increase the performance level of your gasoline or diesel engine.
We've spent considerable time developing high mileage performance calibrations for your Chevrolet, GM, Ford, Dodge, and Import cars and trucks.
SuperFlow AutoDyn 30 1800 HP Dyno
Performance Chip Programming
ECU Performance Programming
EDGE SimuTech ECM / PCM Diagnostics
Performance Automotive Electronics
ECU Reverse Engineering via RaceLogic Emulator
Automotive Performance Milling / Lathe / Welding
Automotive PCM and Electronics Repairs
ASNU Electronic Injector Flow Bench
SUN 450 Diagnostic System
Electronic Cam Shaft Verification Bench
New SuperFlow SF600 Flow Bench - Electronic Valve Spring Analysis
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